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OpenLearning has been awarded a total of 8 awards at LearnX! Awards 2021

Written by OpenLearning | Nov 23, 2021 1:38:18 AM

We were delighted for the recognition across a diverse range of learning projects and programs that we've delivered and enabled this year, winning a total of 8 awards at this year's LearnX! Live Awards.

The LearnX! Live Awards is a time-tested quality awards program for learning, education, HR, and digital experts open to the corporate, academic, public service, and non-profit sectors globally.

Best Learning Technology - Use of Technology in Learning

OpenLearning's Know Your Learner: A transformative learning experience to enable international students to prepare for university studies

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This award focuses on a smart technology that was used to accelerate/advance individual and/or enterprise learning. Technologies could be, (ARG’s) Alternate Reality Games, (AR) Augmented Reality, Chatbots, Podcasts, Specialist Learning App’s, Vidcasts, (VR) Virtual Reality, A1, (VW) Virtual Worlds, (VC) Virtual Classroom, (WC) Wearable Computing etc.

Know Your Learner enables the assessor/educator to be assured of the identity of the learner as well as providing ease of ability to identify academic misconduct.
There are several components to the KYL system, meant to determine the learner's identity.

  • User-agent and IP Geolocation check
  • Facial identity-check
  • Keystroke profile
  • Turnitin similarity check


Best Learning Technology - Learning Management System (LMS)

OpenLearning: Transformative online learning starts here

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The focus of this award is on a smart Learning Management System (LMS) that is either installed on an enterprise server or hosted in the cloud ‘SaaS’ on a vendor’s server to manage employee learning, skills and knowledge with modern features, such as an intuitive user interface, social media, collaboration tools, brand integration, customised reporting, adaptive learning paths, analytics, course library, content curation and multi-device accessibility etc.

The functionalities of the OpenLearning LMS delivery model include:

  • A scalable learning platform that was globally accessible (including in mainland China);
  • Seamless integration with tools such as Zoom and Turnitin;
  • No dependency on textbooks;
  • The ability to ensure the identity of the student undertaking the program and the authenticity of their work.


Best Talented Team - Learning Design

OpenLearning: Innovative online learning design made possible through a highly talented team of Learning Designers

This award focuses on two or more highly talented learning designers who have designed an L&D project using sound instructional design systems to empower participant learning experiences to effectively acquire knowledge/skills and support business outcomes.

The OpenLearning Learning Services team consisted of ten learning designers and one graphic designer. In the recruitment of new team members for the delivery of the UNSW Transition Program Online (TPO), care was taken to source high-quality, learning design professionals who had demonstrated subject knowledge in the different streams of study within the program. Therefore, it was possible to match a Learning Services team member with a specific subject/s. The team was fortunate to have team members who could act as SMEs for STEM (Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics), Design and Architecture, and Commerce.


Best eLearning Design - Shift-it-Online

UNSW Global Foundation English Entry Course: Driving engagement amongst young international learners incorporating best practices in educational learning pedagogies

This award focuses on an existing traditional training project that has been smartly redesigned/repurposed for online delivery.

The UNSW Global FEEC program mainly consists of 17 to 21-year-olds towards the beginning of their pathway into university. The online format provides students an opportunity to successfully transition from high school to university, and experiment with their learning pathway into university.


Best Pandemic Response - Shift-it-Online

UNSW Global University English Entry Course: Continuity of education delivery during COVID-19 campus closures through transformational online learning

This award focuses on an existing traditional training project that has been smartly redesigned/repurposed for online delivery, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The project can be widespread or target a specific group.

UNSW UEEC is for the upper intermediate-advanced cohort and prepares learners for entry into university if they have received a conditional offer from UNSW but do not meet the UNSW English entry requirements. The majority of the students have an existing undergraduate degree from a non-English speaking country and are wanting to pursue their post-graduate degree at UNSW. The purpose of the UEEC program is to develop skills, strategies, and knowledge to support learners on their high-level academic English journey.

Best L&D Project - Learning Campaign

UoW Set the Bar: Empowering local licensed venue staff members in promoting a fairer, safer and more respectful community

This award focuses on a campaign-based learning project that was implemented to give participants repetitive learning experiences, over time using different mediums to create behavioural change.

The UOW Set The Bar is a new initiative in collaboration with OpenLearning to keep young people safe during nights out in the city, with training in identifying and putting a stop to sexual assault and harassment, and inappropiate behaviour. The free online training program has been designed with an innovative and creative approach to foster a social and engaging learning experience.

Best Pandemic Response - Soft Skills Training

High Resolves: Empowering young people from across the globe with real-time, high-impact learning

The award focuses on a soft skills training project that was implemented in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Soft skills may involve, leadership, empathy, teamwork, emotional intelligence, communication/transmission of advice/empathy/solutions with patients, families, co-professionals, media and the general public etc. The project can be widespread or target a specific group.

High Resolves partnered with OpenLearning since March 2020 to deliver and scale their award-winning capacity-building learning experiences to tertiary and university students through online learning.

Best Pandemic Response - Health & Safety Training

Australian Catholic University: An agile response to informing and upskilling Victorian nurses and frontline workers in a rapidly evolving landscape during the second-wave of COVID-19.

This award focuses on a health and safety training project (PPE, control, test, dispense, manage, prevent, treat) that was implemented to ensure all those trained, operate/administer within relevant directives/guidelines, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The project can be widespread or target a specific group.

The project was initiated by the Australian Catholic University, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Paramedicine (VIC) in response to an urgent need to upskill over 2,000 Victorian nurses working with patients in a COVID-19 environment over the past two years. The program was launched in early July 2020, shortly after the onset of the second wave of COVID-19 through community transmission in Victoria.