AI Assistant Tutorial: How to Introduce a Concept with Case Studies

As technology continues to advance, the integration of artificial intelligence in education is becoming more prevalent. OpenLearning is at the forefront of this shift with the introduction of the AI Assistant. 

In this video, Senior Learning Designer Dr. Shaun Thompson explains how to use the OpenLearning AI Assistant Activity Builder and Content Generator to create an activity for a course on Economics 101.



Learning patterns used in this tutorial:

  • Introduce a Concept: Prompt learners to explore various concrete examples in order to solidify their understanding of a new concept.
  • Case Study: Provide an in-depth case study of a real-world scenario, encouraging learners to apply their knowledge.

Introduce a Concept

Concrete examples are crucial when introducing learners to new concepts. By providing tangible instances that students can relate to, such as analysing how a government's implementation of tariffs can affect the flow of goods and services across borders, or exploring the repercussions of inflation on individuals' ability to buy goods and services, educators can bridge the gap between theory and real-world application.

These examples not only enhance understanding but also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students as they navigate a new concept. Such practical illustrations serve as a springboard for engaging discussions and deeper exploration of the subject matter, empowering learners to connect theoretical knowledge to practical implications.


Case study

Case studies are an invaluable tool for learning, and lend themselves well to the introduction of new concepts. By presenting real-world scenarios, case studies allow students to apply their knowledge in a practical context. For example, exploring a case study on how a country's economy was impacted by a specific policy decision can help students understand the cause-effect relationships at play. These in-depth analyses not only deepen comprehension but also foster critical thinking skills and encourage students to think analytically.

Through case studies, learners can engage in discussions, draw connections between theory and practice, and ultimately gain a better understanding of the subject matter. In an online course setting, case studies can serve as a powerful tool for enhancing learning outcomes and preparing students for real-world challenges.


This is a snippet from the 'Harnessing AI for Next-Gen Course Development with OpenLearning' webinar. Watch the full recording here. 



The OpenLearning AI Assistant is a suite of tools that enable course creators to generate subject-specific content while ensuring integrity and quality. Learn more at:

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