Enhance Your Courses with AI Tools: A How-to Guide

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of many industries, revolutionising the way we work and live. The field of education and online learning is no exception. Today, it is possible to generate an entire online course in a matter of minutes while still incorporating best practices and preferred frameworks. In this article, we will explore such AI tools and how they are used in online courses.


What is generative AI?

Generative AI refers to technology that can create new content, such as text, images, audio, and even videos, based on the data they have been trained on. Unlike traditional AI systems that are designed to perform specific tasks, generative AI can produce novel output by learning from existing data.

Educators have access to a wide range of generative AI tools to enhance the online course creation experience. These tools can be broadly categorised into two main types: consumer generative AI and embedded generative AI.

Consumer generative AI

Consumer generative AI tools are general purpose AI tools that generate content (text, images, videos, etc.) for end-users, often used directly by consumers or educators to create educational materials. Prompt engineering is required to produce high-quality output.

For example: ChatGPT, Midjourney

Embedded generative AI

Embedded generative AI tools are domain-specific AI tools that are integrated into a platform or system to enhance their functionality. These tools are fine-tuned with pre-engineered prompts and have the ability to reason about specific platform features.

For example: OpenLearning AI Assistant, CourseMagic, Canva Magic Studio

It is possible to use both consumer and embedded generative AI in online learning. However, embedded tools like the OpenLearning AI Assistant and CourseMagic may help course creators to be more efficient by reducing the need for lengthy prompt explanations and transferring content across platforms.


What types of generative AI tools are used in education?

As generative artificial intelligence continues to evolve, a new era of AI tools has emerged. Among the variety of generative AI tools at our disposal, they can be broadly grouped into two main categories:

1. AI Tools for Educational Content Creation

Content creation is an area of education where AI has significantly changed the game. Generative AI can quickly produce a wide array of educational materials, freeing up educators to focus on providing their teaching expertise. For example:

  • Text, Images, and Videos: AI tools can generate textual content such as case studies and general information, they can create images or infographics, and some tools can even produce explainer videos tailored to specific topics. 
  • Activities and Exercises: AI can design interactive activities and exercises that reinforce learning. These tools can generate quizzes, crowdsource challenges, practice problems, tutorial exercises, and other forms of assessments that are aligned with learning objectives.
  • Course Structure and Objectives: Tools like the OpenLearning AI Assistant and CourseMagic can take input on course objectives, audience, duration, and tone to generate a complete course structure. This includes detailed modules, pages, activities, and content.

2. AI Tools for Personalisation of Learning

Personalisation is another area where AI tools are making an impact. By tailoring educational experiences to individual learners, these tools enhance engagement and improve learning outcomes.

  • Adaptive Learning Paths: AI can create personalised learning paths that adapt to each student's pace and performance. By analysing data from learner interactions, these tools provide customised recommendations and adjust the difficulty of content to meet the learner’s needs.
  • Gamification: Platforms like CodeCombat use generative AI to enable text-to-code outputs within popular online games, allowing students to learn coding in an engaging, game-based environment. This approach makes learning to code more interactive and fun, thereby increasing student motivation and retention.
  • Virtual Tutors and Chatbots: AI-powered virtual tutors and chatbots provide real-time assistance and personalised support to students. These tools can answer questions, explain concepts, and guide students through their learning journey, offering immediate feedback and help when needed.


6 generative AI tools that you can try for free

1. Grammarly

Grammarly is a writing assistant that helps students and educators improve their writing by providing real-time feedback on grammar, punctuation, style, and tone. The free version offers essential writing suggestions. The tool uses generative AI to provide writing suggestions, grammar checks, and style improvements based on the context of the text.

2. Canva for Education

Canva for Education provides free access to design tools that help educators and students create engaging visuals, presentations, infographics, and more. It includes templates and easy-to-use design features tailored for educational use. It uses generative AI to suggest design elements, layouts, and templates based on the user's input and content.

3. WriteWithLaika

WriteWithLaika is an AI-powered writing assistant that mimics a writing team to bounce ideas with. It helps students and educators draft essays, reports, and creative writing pieces, providing real-time feedback and suggestions to improve writing quality. It uses generative AI to provide text suggestions, provide writing prompts, and offer structural improvements based on the content.

4. OpenLearning's AI Assistant and AI Course Builder

The OpenLearning AI Assistant uses GPT-4 from Microsoft Azure’s OpenAI Service to generate engaging content, learning activities and assessments, right within the OpenLearning course authoring platform. It is able to generate:

  • Intended learning outcomes
  • Course objectives
  • Course structure and modules
  • Course content
  • Activities and exercises
  • Outcome-based assessments

These outputs can be refined as needed before being published to the platform.

5. Synthesia

Synthesia allows educators to create AI-generated videos for educational purposes. Users can type in text, which Synthesia then turns into a video featuring AI avatars that can speak multiple languages. It uses generative AI to convert text into video content with AI-generated avatars, making it easier to create instructional and engaging videos.

6. CourseMagic

CourseMagic is an AI instructional designer that enables educators to generate a course using best practices in learning design, customise it for any level, and import it directly into their preferred LMS such as Moodle, Blackboard, D2L, Canvas and OpenLearning.


3 basic tips for using AI tools

As educators, and with AI becoming increasingly integrated into educational environments, it's important to know how to use generative AI effectively and responsibly. Here are three basic tips to help you get started with AI in education:

1. Identify your objectives

Before implementing AI tools, it's crucial to identify what you hope to achieve. Clearly define your goals and objectives to ensure that the AI tools you choose are aligned with your needs.

2. Start small and scale gradually

Begin with small-scale implementations to familiarise yourself and your team with AI tools. This approach allows you to test the effectiveness of AI in specific areas without overwhelming your resources.

3. Choose the right AI tools

When choosing AI tools, it's important to consider the ease of use, integration capabilities, support, resources, and features that safeguard the privacy of learners.

👉 For more tips, read: AI in Education: Benefits, Challenges, and Best Practices

By following these tips, educators can navigate the implementation of AI in their courses and create engaging and effective learning experiences for their students.


In conclusion, AI tools have the potential to transform online courses by making them more engaging, personalised, and efficient. By using AI tools, educators can create interactive activities, provide personalised support, and analyse student data to enhance the learning experience. The positive impact of AI tools in online courses is proven, and it is possible for educators to achieve similar outcomes.


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